
Bringing you the finest structured/living water, along with the latest water processing, structuring and hyper-filtration products from around the world. We now offer custom formulations of your water, as well as private labeling and bottling services.




"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
- Mahatma Gandhi

pureH2Otechnology, formery Sacred H2O Tech, creators of the Living Waters System filtration technology with BioCeramic, is honored to offer the worlds finest, re-structured & re-enlivined drinking water technology available, without using natural resources. Our water is a slightly alkalized, hexagonal, intra-cellular, energy enhanced, mineral infused, performance water. pureH2Otechnology, is the leading way to properly hydrate the ocean within you. A crucial attribute to the ocean within us, is the pH, or acid/alkaline balance. This is the first and foremost important factor that we should always try to maintain. To be alkaline, (life process), is to have your internal body fluids pH balanced. The blood pH of a healthy individual is around 7.6 - 7.8. Anything out of this delicate range, above or below, for too long, can be life threatening. By maintaining alkalinity this helps to increase oxygen levels and cellular hydration while alkalizing the blood and surrounding tissues of the body. This simply means one can more easily maintain a balanced environment within by drinking this type of structured, living water. It is so easy for us to become acidic, or (death process)... Let's face it, we all live in a world full of processed fast foods, soda pop and cooked/fried foods that are lacking the essential trace elements necessary for the body to heal and rid itself of the toxins and disease. We all contain toxins at some level, no matter how healthy one thinks they may be. These carcinogenic toxins have been found and are also present in our air, food, soil and water supplies all over the world. The team at pureH2OTechnology know that water is the most important and essential key to all life, the very essence of it. When your putting the most important element in your body, you want to be certain you are getting all the benefits that nature intended water to give you. At pureH2OTechnologythat is our commitment to every client and every drop of water.

Our unique, structured & living water is currently prepared in beautiful Southern California utilizing a private, proprietary process consisting of Multi-Vortexing-Implosion-Mechanics©, or MVIM©, as well as mineral infusion and other advanced modalities such as the BioPhoton. Our water is in harmony with nature's laws using ancient wisdom and esoteric sciences. Through acient wisdom and using modern technologies of today combined with electro-magnetism, light, sound, infrared, vibrational energies, along with our unique Mineral Vortexing Infusion© process, or MVI©, we are now able to create a -mv charged, highly mineralized, structured water that is setting the trend in the "structured/living" water industry. Most importantly, our water is created from its conception with love, a specific 528hz frequency and of course lots of care and nurturing. Our water technology also helps to concentrate the ORME or mono-atomic gold and other high noble metals, along with our Mineral Vortexing Infusion©process, or MVI©, that bonds ionic minerals along with 114+ other essential minerals directly to the water molecules. Our water is a hexagonal (six sided) H2O, which simply means hydration at the cellular level is its main objective and function. The "Dynes" or better known as "surface tension" is at levels that the water experts feel and believe necessary for proper hydration of the cells. By following the principles of nature, the team at pureH2Otech© can now bring the end-user a pristine, living, structred, mineral infused, performance water out of every faucet in your home, office, apartment, condo, RV, etc.. We know you will be very pleased with the results you receive, taste and feel with our hexagonal/living, wholefood, structured waters. Our clients, including doctors, have reported various benefits such as better looking and feeling skin, better digestion, improved energy levels, better focus, mental clarity and recall, sleeping better, dreaming again, dreams more vivid, eye sight improved, balanced blood sugars, balanced pressure in blood, chronic conditions gone or fading away finally, healing faster, loosing weight easier, faster recovery time, general overall feeling of well-being... and the reports continue to come in every day from all walks of life including the plant and animal kingdoms.


This is a picture of a frozen water crystal exhibiting a six sided hexagonal image of structured living water.

From the amazing works of Dr. Masaru Emoto, author best selling book "Messages from Water", we are now discovering the infinite possibilities we can achieve with water. At pureH2Otechnology we are always striving to be at the cutting-edge when it comes to the potential of water.

To view more on the amazing works of Dr. Emoto go to the link below.



RF Technologies's founder of pureH2Otechnology™ has researched the world over to bring you the finest pristine, healing water technology available on the public and private markets today. Through the use of pureH2Otechnology™, and the Living Waters System™ proprietary water processing methods, it is our vision to bring you the finest quality drinking, bathing and agricultural water as well as always maintain the highest, natural healing potential available to the end user. It is our commitment to be the leaders in Super Structured, and Multi-Vortexed Water. The discovery of waterology has finally begun!

You've tried the rest? You've tried filtered, dead water? Now try living, super structured, magnetized, multi-vortexed, slightly alkalized, mineral infused, performance water. Water that can do so much more for your body than filtered dead water ever could. Water that can perform far better than most other so called "structured waters" on the market today, for the same price as your filtered, but dead, bottled waters.

In the works - Vortexed Water, Solar Water, Prana Water, AM/PM Water

Stay tuned, the world of waterology is about to explode!



Creator of:

Living Waters System

Genesis Vortexed Water

and more, stay tuned...






Living Waters Sytem...official living water of the 2012 Quantum Leap Celebration - March 2009




Living Waters Sytem...official living water of the Long Beach, LiveH2O venue - June 2009





No health or other claims are made or implied on this or any of our associated web sites. RF Technologies or pureH2Otechnology neither assumes, nor can be held liable for any benefits achieved or not achieved through the use of their products or suggestions. Please consult a consciously educated doctor or consciously educated lawyer before making any changes to your health regime or private protection.

All rights reserved under The Creator, without prejudice

Copyclaim © 2004-2012 RF Technologies™ & pureH2Otechnology™

Sponsored by: Light Enterprises & The Institute of Progressive Medicine





Genesis Vortexed Water

Time to start anew!

Formulated and Produced using the Living Waters System Technology!!! More...

Investor Opportunity!


Now Available!!!

ORME concentrator

ORME - Orbitially-Rearranged-Monoatmic-Elements are concentrated in the Living Waters System. This is a unique and one-of-a-kind technology now available to the public.


LivingWaters System is the offical water of the 2012 Quantum Leap Celebration..more... 2012_QuantumLeap

March 13-15, 2009 - Marriott Convention Center,_Burbank California


LivingWaters System is the official Water for LiveH2O using the World Living Water Systems, double vortexing and so much more... LH2O_Schedule


Long Beach, California, on the sand, FREE for public! Join the cause DONATE!


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